nesting in the chicken coop

 Chickens in the city? 


You might be surprised to hear this, but chickens as urban pets are not a new phenomenon. During World War II, the government actually encouraged citizens to keep chickens and even pigs in their cities so more meat could go to help feed the soldiers!

 Chickens in the city



Now, chickens are making a comeback
in cities, since they require little space,
provide healthy and local eggs, and are fun to raise! Here are a few things to consider when building a chicken coop in your urban environment.




Check your local Regulations


First, you need to make sure it’s legal. About 65 percent of US cities currently allow their citizens to raise chickens, so check on the rules where you live. In addition, it is often against the law to keep roosters within city limits, since they make noise all day long and often drive neighbors crazy.


How Much Space Do You Need?


Do you have enough space for your chickens?  Chickens require around four square feet each, and you need to build a coop as well as providing outdoor space or enclosure for them to exercise and scratch in.

You can save a lot of time and money by having a resource that will help you plan the building of your chicken coop.  I highly recommend this Beginners Special bonus package to help.

Among animals that can be kept as pets, chickens are some of the most space-efficient, but they do need to be kept outdoors, so be sure you can manage this where you live.


Consider Your Neighbors


Raising chickens in the city is becoming quite popular, but unless your nearest neighbors are out of sight and hearing, you should consider the impact of your chicken house project on them. 


Common sense says that talking with neighbors beforehand could save a lot of headaches!  Let them know about your plans.  Make sure that your coop is not an eyesore. Offering them a share of "farm fresh eggs" should go a long way to gaining their enthusiastic support.

Finally, it’s important to choose the right chicken coop design for your situation. You need to consider how much space you can devote to a chicken coop outside while still giving them enough room to strut around and eat.

In a city, you might not need to protect your chickens from foxes, but hawks, dogs and cats can still pose a threat.  If you feel that chickens are right for you, just Click Here! to get started on your own flock!